Sunday, January 16, 2011


I woke up this morning confused. I had been dreaming about houses and people, and wasn't quite sure where I was for a moment. Then I looked for Dennis, like I have every morning and realized I was at home, in our bedroom. Only it isn't our bedroom anymore, it's mine. And it's lonely.

I finally got out of bed and almost immediately started crying. I didn't have the energy to make my coffee. I picked up my phone and my sister had called. So I called her back.

And I cried again. I was distracted for a while while she told me about Ralph's diagnosis of diverticulitis and then I started crying again.

Then my nephew, Hamed, called. Yesterday I had asked if I could come over and watch football with him and his friends - looking for a distraction - some positive energy. But now I couldn't face leaving the house. He tried to talk with me, but I couldn't stop crying.

I had planned on going to a birthday bash for January girlfriends, but I had to cancel that, too. Who needs a birthday party with a crying widow?

I blamed it on the fact that I had picked up Dennis' ashes yesterday. I blamed it on being only a week since Dennis had died.

Finally I streamed a movie from Netflix and found my crying subsiding some. When the movie was finished, I started a new one, but there had just been a few too many minutes of being inside my head, and I started crying, hard once again.

Suddenly it occurred to me that it was Sunday. Sunday was the one day that Dennis and I were always alone, together. Oh, for a while last year we had my mom on Sundays, but for most of the 10 years that we were together, we were alone on Sundays, together.

And today I am alone on Sunday with just me (and kitty).



  1. What is so cruel is that after years of caregiving which is very stressful, hardwork and emotionally draining a person is then left alone. Where is the fairness in that? There isn't any! Sometimes life sucks eh? Hopefully you can be as strong for yourself as you were for your Dennis.

  2. We found after my mum in law died last August that the hospice offered a lot of support if we wanted it. They offered counselling as well as sent us lots of literature on the grieving process etc. Just a thought.

  3. I don't know what to say because I've never been through this but please know you are on the hearts and prayers of many people who care.

  4. Just thinking of you.

  5. thank you for caring and commenting.

  6. Dear Dear Ann..hugs and hugs and lots more hugs..the tears need coming..and the anniversary of every special day..whatever it means to you..will be difficult..and you just keep walking thru those and crying..perhaps even smiling at all the memories you have of these time..

